

The continued acceleration of merger and acquisition activity, globally, and across all industry sectors, demands greater understanding of the role of the narratives produced for and shared by the managers.

Acquiring and acquired organisations are pressed to become healthier workplaces for their middle managers and need to acknowledge the emotional responses acquisitions create for sustainable performance of employees.

Why now?

With increasing acquisitions, the likelihood of receiving acquisition narratives, with the resulting emotional responses affecting the working life of middle managers, increases too.


In our workshops, we strive to explore acquisitions as disruptive yet sustainable forms of change.

The workshops provide a safe place to share experiences, think and challenge previous measures taken and experienced in acquisitions.

Therefore, the workshops offer a deeper reflection of narratives and their impact on emotional responses. They explicitly offer organisational leaders of the acquired and acquiring entity a better understanding of what requires consideration in their communication strategy towards the managers.


In our workshops, we focus on acquisitions the participants have been, are or will be part of. We apply and challenge the circular model of acquisition narrative balancing Veronika Sweet has developed.